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The personal information provided is exclusively used by the Executive Committee and shall not be disclosed to any third party without your consent below.
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Social Media Networks


Degree(s) obtained



Current Occupation

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How many years did you spend at Champville? *

Are you a Champville graduate?

Do you have any children currently studying at Champville? *

What activities would you like to be involved in? *


How can you contribute to the Alumni? *


Account info ( leave blank if you don't wish to change the password )

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Creating an engaged, supportive Champville Alumni network is crucial for its success. If communication stops once graduates and former students leave, their belonging and attachment to their school become stale. Good Champville Alumni relationships bring many benefits to both the School and the Alumni.

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Champville Alumni is an association of graduates or, more broadly, of former students, our objective is to provide a variety of privileges benefits, services and to organize social events, publish newsletters, and raise funds for Champville Alumni projects that help alumni maintain connections to Champville School and its fellow school friends.

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The Registration and membership is required to CHAMPVILLE Alumni, so they kept informed and remain engaged to keep abreast on the progress of the School


Comittee Objectives

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2021-2024 Committee Objectives

Our main objective is to create an improved way of operation that is crucial for better efficiency and inclusivity of the Alumni body of members.
This is why we created sub-committees that would each represent an essential pillar of our Alumni Committee
responsibilities and thus create a way for any member of the Alumni community to join and offer their skills in any project.

The key goal described per sub-committee are as follows:

Database Development Committee
Build an offline/online database to gather all data to be used locally or online.

Fundraising Committee
Organize regular fundraising events such as tombola & auctions and think about out-of-the-box events that could help in raising money in order to finance concrete projects.

Marketing & Communication Committee
Develop a calendar to be used yearly with fixed dates/events in coordination with all committees, so we can be in constant communication with the alumni members.

Public Relations & Networking Committee
Create ties and long-term partnerships with national and international institutions such as other alumni associations in Lebanon (school and universities), corporate and government, for the benefit of the College, its community, and its alumni.

International Reach Committee
Reach out to the highest number of alumni worldwide and federate them under the Alumni Association banner.

Professional & Recreational Events Committee
Plan and organize recreational events that are hosted by the Alumni Association. 
Organize skills and personal development seminars, webinars, workshops, and sessions that suit all tastes & interests all generations.